Anxiety Counselling

Best Anxiety Counsellor in Delhi NCR

Anxiety in general, means nervousness, or if you worry too much or have a self doubt. Although it is true that everyone gets the symptoms of anxiety once in a while but if the feelings persist and become overwhelming, recurring, and start to impact your social, personal and professional life, it means you need to talk to a therapist.

A good therapy can help an anxious person learn coping skills like deep breathing, meditation, exercise, and assertive communication.

Symptoms of Anxiety

Since it all depends on the person’s feelings of worry and the degree of the emotions, it becomes important to know as to how do you know that you need anxiety counselling.

  • Your anxiety is causing intrusive and obsessive thoughts.
  • It is difficult to concentrate.
  • Constantly feel restless and frustrated.
  • Others might feel depressed.
  • Or, you could develop physical symptoms like tense muscles, or high blood pressure. There could be trembling, sweating, a racing heartbeat, dizziness, and insomnia
  • In others, it may also cause headaches, digestive problems, difficulty breathing, and nausea.